The Future of Lunarpick

This is Lunarpick.

*Subject to change. May become outdated without notice.

Last updated 14th of March 2024

A multi-vendor e-commerce marketplace made for small businesses where vendors can truly engage with their customers, whether in real time or intermittently. And for once, with our “Ticket” system, service companies are not excluded. Our main feature is a heavy focus on social-media elements Which solves many issues keeping customers from purchasing online.

We provide a community, each business has their own unique customizable page to fully express their brand identity, and tons of communication options to choose from, instant messaging chat to enhance the sales process, a unique community chat section, posts and updates, and more. Engage with customers and businesses online, unresitricted, and like a human, for the first time.

Lunarpick is much more than just an online shop.

We have the goal of being the most effective way for small businesses to transition onto an e-commerce platform. We want to start a conversation about South Africa’s economy, entrepreneurship, and the unemployment issue. We want to work towards becoming a hub for innovation and artistic expression within South Africa’s entrepreneurial landscape.

What we offer is a virtual storefront for rent on our website. 

Our vision is to be forerunners in accessible Social-Commerce, virtual reality, and augmented reality technologies for e-commerce in South Africa, while being a benchmark for ethical business practices and community upliftment. We often use the metaphor that Lunarpick is a virtual shopping mall, or flea-market, if that’s more you taste. 

Service companies finally have a home online.

Service companies finally have their place on a multi-vendor e-commerce marketplace. We are introducing the “Ticket” system. Which allows users to buy a ticket from a business which can then be redeemed as an appointment, commision, or service/job from the respective business.

What is lacking in current e-commerce systems is the accommodation for service companies and the aspects of commerce which go further than the transaction. 


We have focused our efforts on being easy for vendors, and attractive to customers. For vendors, we are affordable and our pricing model is non-predatory. Our web-app makes things easy with push notifications and status indicators for customers and vendors. Each business will have a customizable store page, and each of their products open to thorough detailing. External social media marketing will automatically be conducted by our team based on your subscription tier. Technical and business-related support will be available during work hours, and we aim to push for 24/7 as soon as we can. The sales system is simple to understand and operate, orders easy to complete, and most operational work fully accomodated to your business and under your control.

Current Scope.

Lunarpick is a project with endless ambition. However, currently we are a small community driven start-up with the noble goal of uplifting our local small businesses. We are a group of people working together to help others where we can. Our e-commerce marketplace is actively in development dedicated to showcasing those small businesses who deserve it. We have entrepreneurs and brands with mountains of potential eagerly waiting for our launch. We are youngsters who know a thing or two about social media and how to use it for effective marketing. We have highly skilled and endlessly helpful advisors and partners. We have a clear mission, a clear vision, and a strong burning passion and deep love for every part, and every person, involved in this project. 

*Please note that is currently in development. If you would like to be one of our first vendors, please contact us or sign up on our website.

Lunarpick Subscription .

Our main product is a virtual storefront on our website. The product consists of these tiers and their features:

Client Tiers.

These tiers and their prices are subject to change. Your business will be subject to regular valuation based on your page’s traffic and may be disqualified access to lower tiers. All rights to the admission onto our platform are reserved by Lunarpick alone.

Free – With a 20% Success fee

  • A functioning vendor portal with various operational features.
  • A unique customizable store page.
  • The unique ability to talk to customers and to receive and respond to queries.
  • Community engagement opportunities.
  • Regular quarterly check-ups.
  • Client support requests during regular work hours.
  • Access to all our public resources.
Tier 1 – R500 per month, R1 425 per 3-months (-5%), R5400 per year (-10%)

  • All previous tier features.
  • No success fee
  • A once off introduction advert on most of our marketing channels.
  • 1 social media advert every quarter.
Tier 2 – R1500 per month, R4050 per 3-months (-10%), R15 300 per year (-15%)

  • All previous tier features.
  • marketing service to help your custom page stand out.
  • Priority feature in our promotional events.
  • Priority feature for new product lines and other content updates
  • 1 Social media advert per month.
  • Arrangement of collaboration opportunities
Tier 3 – R5 000 per month, R12 750 per 3-months (-15%), R48 000 per year (-20%)

  • All previous tier features.
  • Access to any premium client-only business insights and opportunities.
  • 2 platform wide adverts per month.
  • Priority showcase in new platform feature releases
  • A 1uarterly content article referencing your brand.
  • Curation of business insight and free advisory
  • Free access to a booth at our in-person expositions
  • 1 Free tier 2 trial for a business of your choice per year
Enterprise Tier – Custom price

Some of our potential vendors will be viable for an enterprise tier which we will handle the price of within the negotiation. Mainly these companies are much larger companies who do not count as small businesses. While our services focus on the upliftment of small businesses, it is important to accommodate bigger vendors who could potentially attract many customers.

How it works

What we require:

  • At least 2 x 1-hour meetings before opening your store page.
  • information on what your business is about, who you are, what drives you, what are your goals, values, etc.
  • A baseline safe stock-on-hand level for non-unique items.
  • Photos of your products or services.
  • Photos of you and your business operating. (optional)
We offer thorough assistance with the onboarding process.

There will be a confirmation of your material as well as a training session on how the vendor portal operates. Your shop will then go live, and we will announce you on specific marketing channels depending on your tier. 

Lunarpick will notify you of any marketing events and potential vendor to vendor collaborations depending on your tier.
Please note that Lunarpick will not interfere with your business’s operations. You will be in sole control and ownership of your business, its management, its operations, and its public relations and reputation. 


We ask that you keep stock of whatever is advertised on our platform. If we receive orders of your products, you will be clearly and concisely notified and expected to confirm or decline all orders within 4 working hours and requested to prepare it for pick-up by a partnered courier company. We have a standardised packaging procedure which you must follow. If you have a service business, we expect you to adhere to any arranged appointments coming from your ticket orders. You may sell either prescheduled, time-frame bound or fist-come-first-serve ticket types.


Vendors will be able to talk to customers who are currently active on their product or vendor page and have a daily live chat room log. Customers can directly message vendors and vendors are expected to provide a response within 4 working hours if their message box is set to open. Many social media concepts can be utilize such as posts, polls and images, with comments for community engagement.

The value for the customer

Unique and novel products and service:

As the platform is specifically designed to uplift small businesses, there will always be something new and exciting products and services from innovators all over the country. We aim to adhere to the “Quality, not quantity” rule and always keep our focus on fun, excitement, curiousity, and of course, good service.


Ever so often we will host live events where customers are invited to talk, interact, explore, with the platform, its vendors, and each other. These “e-market” events, if participating, will require vendors to provide at least 1 person from their business to answer and moderate their live chat if they have opted to participate.


Lunarpick will host multiple themed promotional events. Ranging from seasonal themes, holiday themes, categorical themes, brand specific themes, and collaboration events. Every evening, there will be a “Lunar Sale” with new specials for that evening, and of course for non-nightowl shoppers, throughout every day there will also be a “Sunshine Sale”. Along with typical specials and promotions suggested by either Lunarpick or our vendors. Lunarpick will always be on the lookout for creative options for promotions and collaboration opportunities.

Community Involvement:

We want the sense of community on Lunarpick to be centre stage. We will encourage vendors to make posts on their pages and potentially write an article or two.


Lunarpick will be hard at work to produce useful tutorials and articles to enlighten or inspire any potential entrepreneurs. Customers will come for the knowledge, stay for the vibe, and leave with a brilliant local product. 

Thank you kindly for your time ~ with love, the Lunarpick team.